KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

MOVING in at JEANDELL - 2015 (with indoor updates)

Took possession on the 1st of July; made several trips with each, Karen and Kevin, to get some smaller items for kitchen and bathroom, etc. filled in. Sun. July 19 all three got together and moved the furniture and boxes. I stayed at other apt. and did some last minute packing and started cleaning. Karen came back Tues. morning, the 21st, to help with finishing the cleaning. I had final inspection at 3:30 that afternoon and at 4:00 turned in the keys. Karen took me home and emptied car. I spent my first night at new home on July 21st. Karen and Kevin made extra stops that week to help with odds and ends at new place. These pictures were taken only a couple days or so after moving in, so it's still all cluttered with boxes. It's not as bad as it was but if I wait until all is sorted and in order you might have to wait a year to see the place. I'd best do it now and get it over and done with, I can always send updated pictures next year.

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