KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)


Attempted IDs
Those with flower stems (pedicels) above or below leaves are often called Wakerobins, those without pedicels (sessile) are often called Toadshades.
Toadshades: not only variable, variable, variable, but the mottling of leaves fades with age
--"color and patterns vary widely from solid green to a mottled light and dark green, or even chocolate or a somewhat silver color. "
--"both petals and sepals can range in color from reddish-brown and maroon to greenish yellow."
--The list of common names for some species is insanely long!
--pedicellate, non-nodding Trilliums: http://midatlanticnature.blogspot.com/2012/03/trilliums-of-mid-atlantic-region-pt-4.html
also - Jack-in-the-Pulpits have a vein running around the edge of the leaf that makes a border. That separates it from Trilliums. Trilliums also generally have broader leaves.
--a few trilliums at Mr. Cuba Center to help with IDs:

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