(BGR) Montauk Daisy leafminer (Nemorimyza maculosa) - typical stages - begin from or near edge of leaf, at or near tip of leaf
2012-6-30 5 mines - The Montauk Daisy (Nipponanthemum nipponicum) is in a pot with Mint and Ruellia. The only plant in the pot that got leaf mines was the Montauk Daisy.
info page for Nemorimyza maculosa (a tiny fly) with pictures:
the fly is in the Family Agromyzidae - Leaf Miner Flies
Charley Eiseman says:
"It would be great if you could try and raise these flies to confirm the new host record, but Nemorimyza maculosa is very likely. This fly mines many different plants in the aster family, including "Chrysanthemum," which used to include Nipponanthemum."
… Charley Eiseman, 6 September, 2014 - 1:11pm
update 10/18/2015: Here's another link to a picture of the fly:
It's 2.4mm long. Are you kidding me?! It'll take me a year and a day to take pictures of that *even* *IF* I'm able to raise one!
update 10/22/16: I updated the picture on bg and Charley Eiseman replied to that post with a link to his page:
REARING INSECTS - - https://bugtracks.wordpress.com/rearing/