Southern Red Trillium (Trillium sulcatum)?
2015-5-16 Mt. Cuba Center, Hockessin, DE
(some common names: Southern Red Trillium, Barksdale Trillium, Furrowed Wakerobin)
"With its 2' tall stems, southern red trillium produces large, three-petaled, burgundy, purple or yellow flowers borne on stalks well above the foliage."
be sure to click on the "more photos" link
-usually has deep maroon petals, maroon-streaked, green sepals
-sometimes the petals are creamy yellow, pink, white, or bi-colored
-anthers usually purple to yellow
-ovary usually dark purple, (dark ovary shared with T. simile and T. erectum var. album)
-blossom normally at a right angle to pedicel
-sepals of Trillium sulcatum fold up along the edges, sometimes sepal can be described as boat shaped. (T. flexipes also curls up from what I've seen of other examples on the Internet)
-T. erectum supposedly smells like rotten meat and T. sulcatum like fresh mushroom
-candle-snuffer shape from the side, where T. erectum's petals lay more flat.
see also: