KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes Albopictus) fem. 8/14/11 PL, DE

Body about 1/8" long. Swatted on arm out front. West Nile virus deliverer. Also bites dogs and cats. Good pic from Wikipedia (see description) This mosquito passes on the West Nile virus (and some other diseases). It bites dogs and cats. It is important to know this because the West Nile virus crosses species.

From the government site for invasive species:


Native To: Asia

Date of U.S. Introduction: 1985 (Continental U.S.); Late 1800s (Hawaii)

Means of Introduction: Arrived accidentally in tires imported from Japan

Impact: Has aggressive daytime human-biting behavior and ability to vector many viruses, including West Nile virus


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