KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Banded Longhorn Beetle (Typocerus and most likely velutinus) 2016-7-4 Newark, DE

-a flower long-horned beetle
-some long-horned beetles, especially in Lipturini, feed on pollen or -nectar
-because the larvae feed on various hardwoods, look for them adjacent to woodlands where there are flowers
-this one was in a Hedge Bindweed on the edge of a tree-line where the bindweed was growing over the lower shrubbery
I checked with bg and it is Typocerus. It seems I'm taking a chance on velutinus but the description appears to fit this one to a "T":
"Pattern usually distinctive: broad yellow bands on a chestnut background. Sometimes bands are weak. Tends to be larger than several of the other common Flower Longhorns."


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