KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Red Trillium (Trillium erectum)?

2015-5-16 Mt. Cuba Center, Hockessin, DE
comes in red, white, yellow (pale)
short-lived flowers turn quickly from red to dark purple
link also shows example of a white "Red Trillium"
the white form of T. erectum is "T. erectum var. album".
see also:
Some common names: Red trillium, Red wakerobin, Stinking Benjamin, Wet dog trillium, Wet dog wakerobin, Purple Trillium, Purple Wakerobin, Stinking Willie, Beth Root, Indian Balm, Wake Robin Trillium, Birthwort)
"the most common trillium of the east and is also the most variable"
-T. erectum supposedly smells like rotten meat and T. sulcatum like fresh mushroom



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