KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

2016-8-27 - unknown bird - any takers?

Thought at first it was a Chat. Got excited and pulled out camera. Size seemed good for a Chat. Much too large for a warbler, I thought. Even though I thought it was a Chat, I don't recall seeing a white belly. Chats have black legs, this one doesn't. I don't think it's a Yellow-throated Vireo, it would have wing bars. Yes, I looked at Common Yellow-throat female but this bird seemed much too large for that. Looked at a few other warblers just in case but didn't see anything that struck my fancy.
2016-10-10 - looked at Nashville Warbler - but size seems wrong too. Lighting lousy and not too comfortable with colors.


  • Deb on 2017-May-04 15:29:10 Deb said

    My first thought was an immature something or another...then I thought Nashville Warbler, but the beak doesn't seem right to me nor does the color of the legs.
    My opinion is that it is an immature or molting bird.

    Was that helpful? ;-P

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