KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta)

3/13/12 PL DE
These are the types of plants that when you walk, or run your hand over it, it shoots out the seeds when the pods are ripe in the spring.

So far what I've been able to find is:
-the first of the basal rosette leaves have rounded terminal lobes and more rounded leaflets.
-this plant sends up stems that have both flowers and leaves.
-the leaves on the stems with flowers have a more odd, triangular, shallow-lobed, look to them.
-it has 4 stamens with yellow anthers.
-loves moist soil (where this one is growing) and also does well in the landscaping stone out front.

this page has good pics of plant that show the characteristics above:

see also:


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