KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Tall Boneset (Eupatorium altissimum) - 2015-8-24 Newark, DE long, thin leaves with a few teeth, and fuzzy buds

Late Boneset (E. serotinum) has leaves that are wider, have long petioles, and more teeth - see:

Flowers (...) styles are white, flattened, long and string-like. The bracts around the base of a flower are in 2 or 3 layers, green with white edging, and hairy; the inner bracts are oblong and much longer than the outer bracts.
Leaves are 2 to 5 inches long and to 1 inch across, minutely hairy, widest near or above the middle, pointed at the tip with a long taper to the base, and stalkless or nearly so. There are small, widely-spaced teeth in the tip half of leaves but smaller leaves in the upper part of the plant may be toothless. Leaves have 3 conspicuous parallel veins and there are often smaller leaves in the axils. Stems are erect, unbranched except near the flowers, minutely hairy, and green or tinged reddish brown.


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