Broad-leafed Cattail/Common Cattail (Typha latifolia)
2015-8-25 Newark, DE
kansasnativeplants says these are the various conditions under which it will grow:
Wet: -- Soil is soggy or marshy
Moist: -- Soil tends to stay moist and rarely dries out
Medium: -- Average soil moisture, little or now slope
Drained: -- Soil is well drained, never soggy; medium slope
Dry: -- Soil is dry, often typical of rocky soil; steep slope
see also:
Narrow-leaf Cattail (Typha angustifolia)
"Inflorescence: female flower spike (seedhead) is tightly packed and in the shape of a cigar; seedhead can be green, tan or brown depending on maturity; male flower spike is seperated from the female spike by 1/2 to 5 inches of naked stem."