KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

BLUE EYED GRASS (Sisyrinchium)

Many (over 40) varieties and many common names ending with "blue eyed grass".
-BONAP state and county maps with distribution

Stout Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) - native
aka Narrowleaf Blue-eyed Grass, Pointed Blue-Eyed Grass
-some photos I've seen show the spathe (bract) to be much higher than flower, other photos don't show this
-4 to 20" tall
-blue flowers on long stalks, 1/2" across
-stem winged and 2.5 to 4mm wide
-green or slightly purplish spathes, the outer rather less than twice the length of the inner one
-wider stems than S. mucronatum
-seed capsules often purplish tinged, about 1/4" or less in diameter
-fields and hillsides
-easily distinguished by its multiple, long-stalked flower clusters arising from the spathe

Slender Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium mucronatum) native
aka Needletip Blue-eyed Grass, Michaux's Blue-eyed-Grass, Narrow-Leaved Blue-eyed-Grass
-reddish or purple spathes is a key species indicator
-narrower stems than most
-deep blue to violet
-usually only one flower per stem
-fields, meadows, open shorelines, forest edges
-the narrow stems have faint (small?) wings
- flowering stems much longer than leaves, very slender and wiry, about 1/16 inch wide with absent or scarcely discernible wings
-can be distinguished by its overall slenderness in both leaves and barely winged stems
-spathe is sometimes green

Common Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium montanum)

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