(BG) Appalachian Brown - Hodges#4569 (Lethe appalachia) 2015-8-20 Newark, DE
- next to ditch/marshy area
ID by John Ascher bg 2016-5-14
UPDATE 3/19/16 - I believe this is the Appalachian Brown, besides bg, see:
and for comparison, scroll down to the Pearly Eyes here:
Making the case for Appalachian Brown (L. appalachia):
Of the three it could be (Eyed Brown, Appalachian Brown, Northern Pearly Eye), as best as I can figure out, in most cases:
-) the terminal line/s of the Northern Pearly Eye (L. anthedon) have a different pattern (thickness and thinness) as well as a difference in color.
-) the pale outermost circles of the eyespots of L. anthedon touch and converge to the point that it looks as though the eyespots are surrounded by one inclusive pale line.
-) the median line (what I think of as the median line) is more jagged in the Eyed Brown (L. eurydice)
-) Maryland Biodiversity shows Appalachian Brown
and Northern Pearly Eye
If they don't have the Eyed Brown, then I probably don't either
-) last, but not least, this individual was found at the edge of a marshy area (marsh, ditch, swale)