KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Crowded Parchment? (Stereum complicatum)

PICT0204 - Bombay Hook NWR (Nov. 27, 2006)
This is a "crust fungus". Crust fungus is smooth underneath, it has no pores.
for variety in presentation see:
see also:
Mushroomexpert.com says:
"Distinguishing features include the orange colors; the smooth underside that lacks pores; and the small, often fused fruiting bodies. It is very close in appearance to Stereum hirsutum, but that species is yellow and brown, and slightly larger (however, specimens "intergrading" between the classic forms of Stereum complicatum and Stereum hirsutum are not uncommon, and some mycologists treat them as versions of the same species)."
"However, the name "Stereum hirsutum" is generally applied by mycologists to a group of species (or, perhaps, forms of a species) that tend to blend into one another; as one Stereum expert (Welden, 1971) writes, forms of Stereum hirsutum "are defined by external morphological features, and these are not dependable." Thus Stereum hirsutum, Stereum complicatum, and Stereum gausapatum, at a minimum, might best be seen as positions along a continuum, and would-be Stereum identifiers should probably be prepared for collections that don't quite settle themselves neatly into one or another position."


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