RUSTY BLACKBIRD (Euphagus carolinus) fem./male - 2016-2-11 Newark, DE - non-breeding plumage
An uncommon sighting. (Update 4/3/2016: Uncommon, but not in these parts!)
Bitter cold morning and blustery wind. The first few photos were taken through double-pane glass and screen.
A small flock of approx. 35-40 birds drew my attention as they alit from Oak to ground. They enjoyed the area of grass that likes to flood in the rain. They didn't stay long and, after stopping to get my coat and etc., I found them next in the trees by the marsh-ditch.
- EXIF says 8:28 to 8:38 a.m. (first to last pic), however, I'm quite certain I was out an hour earlier - so camera is off one hour.