(4/9/10) The plastic-covered tub in the middle and the plastic-covered pot on the right contain the mystery plants. There won't
(4/9/10) The plastic-covered tub in the middle and the plastic-covered pot on the right contain the mystery plants. There won't be many updates until some growth starts. (see description for more) There's no telling what will come up, but I have hopes that something will. The plastic-covered tub on the left contains the seeds for the purple-podded bean plant that I use for some green to vine around the railing. The Sedum in back has become a yearly as well.
To the right of the Sedum is the left-over from last year's Texas Wildflower Garden. There are two plants in there that are still not identified. They never completely died off and even stayed green and survived 10" snow cover and three blizzards. It looks like they'll have a good chance at blooming this year.
The sad pot all the way on the right contains what's left of the starters of catmint I planted for Garfield. Between the squirrels burying nuts in the pot last fall and Garfield getting at it in between, I don't have much hope that this will ever grow into a lush plant. I expect some day I'll just have to buy a full-grown plant.