Ground Beetle (genus Platynus)
12/4/12 PL DE - Scurrying across the screen. Maybe 1/2". There are 22 spp. of Platynus in N.A.
info - Ground Beetles:
info - genus Platynus:
This note from v. belov on 12/4/12 before I frassed picture. "Platynus sp. -
v belov, 4 December, 2012 - 9:06am"
Since there are 22 species of Platynus, only a few of which are pictured at BugGuide, it's not likely I'll ever find out what this one is, especially since the picture is so bad, but I did have fun going through BugGuide to see if I could find something similar. Here are the results of that:
not ovipennis - shape of wing and backend is wrong, location wrong
not parmaginatus - my beetle has sharper "corners" on the shoulders, not green
maybe tenuicollis - although the head on mine doesn't appear to be as wide as that, location is agreeable though
not trifoveolatus - mine has black legs, shape of wing is wrong
not brunneomarginatus - wrong location, doesn't have black legs
not daviesi - mine has black legs
maybe decentis - makes my heart beat faster, location good too
not lyratus - mine has black legs wrong location