KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Panicledleaf Tick-trefoil (Desmodium paniculatum) - 2016-8-27 Newark, DE - petioles approx. 1/2", stems hairless


Also native is the Sessile-Leaved Tick Trefoil, D. sessilifolium. It has the long leaves, but very short leaf stems (not quite as sessile as the name suggests). The flowers are fairly pale pink.

- flowers "simple raceme of flowers, ... sometimes ... sparingly branched panicle"
- leaves "At the base of each trifoliate leaf, there is a pair of small stipules that are linear-lanceolate; these soon wither away."
- leaves on "short petioles (nearly sessile to ¼" in length)"

-photo at link above


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