KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Reclining St. Andrew's Cross (Hypericum stragulum) 2016-8-8 Newark, DE

in the St. John's Wort family

(Be on the lookout for St. Peter's Cross, H. crux-andreae which likes damp ground. Its stems are winged and the leaves are wider.)

"Similar to the closely related Hypericum hypericoides (also known as St. Andrew's Cross), but with a more sprawling habit. The narrow leaves are widest towards the tip, while those of H. hypericoides are wider towards the middle."

note to self: there are stragulum/hypericoides naming issues

shows this as:
St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz subsp. multicaule (Michx. ex Willd.) N. Robson
and has no images

IPNI lists as H. stragulum


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