Virginia Meadow Beauty (Rhexia virginica) 2016-8-6 Newark, DE
aka Handsome Harvey, Deergrass, and Meadow Pitchers
I found a very small population of these, compared to R. mariana), but am thrilled to have both here. Found near the ditch a few days ago but was unhappy with the pictures. The petals on these flowers are very fragile and easily fall off. This time I was much more careful with the camera strap, etc.
After much work in previously ID'ing R. mariana, it's true, once you know one, the other is easier to ID. First, the color of the flower is what drew my attention, this one being a stark contrast to the much paler R. mariana, and second, the leaves are more broad, paler, and maybe shorter than mariana.
The test to see if this ID has "stuck" will be if I find another plant somewhere else and I recognize it, whether mariana or virginica. :o)
NOTE TO SELF: R. mariana is in the "Red-ish" flower album