Tall Boneset (Eupatorium altissimum) habit - 2015-9-19 Newark, DE
""altissimum" means "tallest" but this is not the tallest species of the genus, there are many which generally exceed its height. The plant is not difficult to identify but it can be confused with the similar members of the genus. The tomentose stems, 3 main leaf veins, and rounded phyllaries help to identify it correctly. Plants growing in full sun are much more stout, have more leaves, and have bigger inflorescences than do plants growing in the shade or in wooded areas.'"
see also:
tomentose (def. from Wikipedia):
"Tomentose hairs are hairs that are flattened and matted. The Latin word meaning 'cushion stuffing,' tomentum, is used to describe a woolly coating formed by the tomentose hairs. The word is often applied to plant hairs, but is used to describe hairs on animals (particularly insects) as well. For example, the hairs covering portions of a bee may be referred to as tomentose."