(BG) European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola) 2008-7-4 around Sapsucker Woods, Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY
by Karen - On one of the Sapsucker Woods trails of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.
BugGuide says it's:
bright, brassy orange above - check
black borders on both wings - check
ends of veins outlined in black - check
below, forewing is pale orange and hindwing is grayish-brown - didn't see that
also: underneath, "orange with various amounts of whitening throughout both the upper and the lower wings."
The Delaware skipper has longer antennae.
This puts me in mind of the Viceroy with that color and those black slashes going across the grain. I wonder if the Delaware Skipper (without those black "stigma") will put me in mind of the Monarch.