KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

1998 Christmas card - Matthew 5, Jonathan 2 - Picture taken in May 1998.

Peter says: "This was taken before December with Matthew being 5 and
Jonathan 2. This was taken at the townhouse before we moved (07/98) to the
house we live in now. Judging from the scenery (trees do not have leaves
yet) it was near Mom's passing which was on 04/98. Short sleeves probably
indicate one of our warm days or it may be near Jonathan's birthday which is
05/12/93. So I'd say this picture was taken early in 1998."


  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Jan-13 07:04:34 Anonymous coward said

    Correction Matthew's birthday (May 12, 1993)
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Jan-13 07:06:35 Anonymous coward said

    Cathy took the picture and said "Jonathan and Matthew were disagreeable in being so close" :). Just one of the times.
  • Balcony Birder on 2011-Jan-13 14:27:30 Balcony Birder said

    I've changed the birthday. As to Cathy's remembering their disagreeableness, I can recall a few days when my children weren't exactly thrilled with each others' company, too. :o) It certainly doesn't show here, it's a darling picture and they look like best friends.

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