KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Meadow Salsify 6-14-2009 (Update: 6/3/2011 - Although seed head is often mistaken for dandelion, plant can grow up to 3' tall.)

Meadow Salsify 6-14-2009 (Update: 6/3/2011 - Although seed head is often mistaken for dandelion, plant can grow up to 3' tall.) (see description) UPDATE: 6/3/2011 8am

Have been unable to research differences and find answer as to whether or not:

1) hot air is required (as in "full of it"), or
2) lung prowess psi (how big of a "blowhard" is needed).

Google search results are sadly lacking on these two points.

Those with initimate, personal knowledge on these matters
are encouraged to add to this general store of knowledge.


  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Mar-16 20:57:57 Anonymous coward said

    So, did you ever make a wish? :)
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Mar-27 05:17:01 Anonymous coward said

  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Jun-02 19:57:02 Anonymous coward said

    You're supposed to make a secret wish and then blow the seeds away to make the wish grow and come to life. Haven't you ever done that...heard this before?

    I did it a few times in Brookhaven in Coburn's Field...after you're done, simply discard the green stalk.

    Somehow, I didn't think doing this as a Marine was fitting, so I stopped the practice :)
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Jun-03 05:32:13 Anonymous coward said

    LOL! I've never hear that before. This flower is not like a dandelion. You'd have to blow awfully hard to get them to leave the center! However, for those of us filled with lots of hot air, that may not be a problem! ;-)
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Jun-03 10:38:11 Anonymous coward said

    I just figured you were holding the adult version :)

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