4/4/11 - Mystery Plant 2011 begins. UPDATE: 6/4/11 Was supposed to be Joe Pye Weed, pic here next to Debbie: https://w3.dstutz.
4/4/11 - Mystery Plant 2011 begins. UPDATE: 6/4/11 Was supposed to be Joe Pye Weed, pic here next to Debbie: https://w3.dstutz.com/~karen/g1/marl-creek-trail/aad (see comments for guesses) Top left: Seeing a female Brown-headed Cowbird at the seed makes me think that maybe it's not too early to plan for new babies.
Top middle: Nope, not bugs in that bag, those are the seeds.
Top right: Close-up of seeds in case there's a seed-freak out there.
Bottom left: Sprinkle seeds on top of soil.
Bottom middle: Stir, tamp, moisten.
Bottom right: Cover with plastic bag, set out on the porch in full light, forget about it.
UPDATE: 6/4/11 this is the plant it was supposed to be: