KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

2015-9-6 - Red Raspberry Ice Cream (or: Karen is a Sneaky Pete)

About 6:30 p.m. thought I'd go and finish the last of the Chocolate Mint Chip ice cream Kevin brought last time he was over. When I pulled out the tub there was something behind it wrapped in a shopping bag that I didn't remember putting there.

I'm pretty good when it comes to ice cream, even Chocolate Mint Chip I can let sit and have it whenever. But, this one . . . All bets are off. I may have seconds on this one in just a few minutes!

In case, dear reader, you haven't figured it out, Karen put it in there on the sly the last time she took me food shopping. I knew she bought some at the store, but she got other items too so of course I figured it was for her and, of course, I never gave it another thought.

note to self: Friendly's Red Raspberry - it's so good, it hurts


  • Karen on 2015-Sep-06 22:46:53 Karen said

    I was wondering how long it would take for you to find it! :)
  • Deb on 2015-Sep-09 17:19:56 Deb said

    Aww...what a sweet daughter you have! :)

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