KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

1904 - Margarete Bärnreuther Meyer on the lap of her mother Margarete Mörlein Bärnreuther

This was made at the same time, and from the original picture where she is sitting on the lap of her mother. The back of the original picture (the one this one was taken from) says she's a year old. See comments for updates.

Update 2016-11-10:
from Wikipedia:
"Tintype portraits were at first usually made in a formal photographic studio, like daguerreotypes and other early types of photographs, but later they were most commonly made by photographers working in booths or the open air at fairs and carnivals, as well as by itinerant sidewalk photographers. Because the lacquered iron support (there is no actual tin used) was resilient and did not need drying, a tintype could be developed and fixed and handed to the customer only a few minutes after the picture had been taken."
full article at:


  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-23 10:58:54 Anonymous coward said

    Thanks for the post. Very informative and I enjoyed the pix as well!
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Aug-23 11:20:09 Balcony Birder said

    I forgot to add that it's 1-1/2" long and 1" wide.
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Aug-24 12:39:29 Balcony Birder said

    Something I didn't notice until today. On the back of the original picture it also says "1 Jahr".
  • Balcony Birder on 2016-Nov-12 14:27:03 Balcony Birder said

    In answer to my question about the picture, Erika Neuner writes today,

    "Die ovalen Nostalgie-Bilder heissen Amulett oder Medallion,
    die man früher auch als Brosche getragen hat".

    Loosely translated: These oval nostalgia-pictures are called amulets or medallions, which in the past were also worn as brooches.

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