KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Germany - requests for names and place, please. (Note to gallery admin: At request of Doug, please keep pic here until further

Germany - requests for names and place, please. (Note to gallery admin: At request of Doug, please keep pic here until further notice because wedding album is where picture was found.) June, 2012 Doug:
For a pix to be in mom's possession that long and no one know anything of it is baffling. Makes me think it could be connected to the Steiner side. For mom to hold on to this picture for so many years, it must have had value.

June, 2012 Karolina:
Speaking for myself only (of the Meyer side), going from memory of earlier eMails as well, this picture was never hanging on the wall in Germantown, I never saw it before you sent it to me.

It could very well be East Germany. The style of dress is "off" for our tiny little corner of Bavaria. The terrain is also off. The location could be Chek, Austrian, or Pole, for that matter.

Style/modernity of dress suggests 1950's to me, but not 60's. I don't think 40's at all.

I think it's a stretch, but there's a *slight* possibility this is a cousin (or some such) of your mother's. Relatives (on the Bärnreuther side) living in Thüringen:


What do others have to say?


  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Jul-26 17:39:40 Balcony Birder said

    Like I said, great pic. I don't recall ever having seen it before, Doug, either in Germantown, McKinley St., or anywhere else. Haven't a clue who is in it, and as far as the 'where' goes, I know for sure it's not the old homestead.
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Jul-27 19:04:21 Anonymous coward said

    I found this picture in the very back of my parents' wedding album. It was placed there by either Debbie or me for safe-keeping as we prepared to move things from Virginia. I know this because in addition to this picture there are articles from the 1980 era Phillies as well...and they certainly wouldn't have been in the wedding album!

    I want to say I saw this picture years ago, but I'm not sure.
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Jul-29 14:40:53 Anonymous coward said

    walter berger
    I have never seen this picture before
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Apr-05 23:40:18 Anonymous coward said

    I'm glad to see this photo it reminds me of visiting Oma Gretal. It is a great illustration of being equally yoked.
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Apr-05 23:42:44 Anonymous coward said

    What a family effort, the man is guiding the plow, the woman is guiding the oxen, the children are sowing the seeds.

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