KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

2017-10-1 - new kitchen, not quite finished yet, but looking like a million bucks!

Peter says: The cabinets are custom made and installed by a craftsman (thats what i call him) outside solid red oak doors and trim, inside paneled birchwood, with red oak trim facing you when opening the door. No blind corner cabinets all full reach cabinets. Each drawer is the depth of the cabinet. All usable space realized. Trim and corner moulding wrapped around floor base. Zoom in!

Counter cut and installed by same craftsman. He seals the under side of the laminate counter with poyureathane to resist water absorbtation. The kitchen now work flows from left to right no longer right to left.


  • BalconyBirder on 2017-Oct-01 14:25:38 BalconyBirder said

    So glad you made the time to send me these, Peter. It's a good thing you and Cathy can work together on this type of thing, you two make a great team. :o)

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