1968 - PNB - The Philadelphia National Bank - The Chestnut Street office in the Gimbel Bldg. doesn't exist anymore.
I took several college courses through A.I.B. (the American Institute of Banking). A course I took just for the fun of it was Speed Reading. The best I was able to manage at 100% comprehension was 500 w/p/m. There was a book store in the middle of the block on Chestnut Street. When I finished this course, almost every day for a year, I'd buy a book and finish it in one day. I have quite an extensive paperback science fiction library due to that course. :oD
The first 4 years of my working life, Jan. 1966 to March 1970, were in the Chestnut Street Office, Trust Department, Special Projects. I worked for Charlie Matthews and Charlie Johnson. Charlie Johnson came to be known to you as Uncle "Ted". My second 4 years at the bank, March 1970 to the last day of Nov. 1973, were spent on the 2nd floor of the Main Office at Broad & Market where I worked for Don Roush and 3 officers.
This is also the time when I met your father. Charlie Johnson was dating Barbara Stutzman. In September of 1968 Charlie started bugging me about going out with his girlfriend's brother. I thought he was joking, but, no, he said, Barbara was worried about her brother being lonely because he just moved out of home into his apartment (that was in September of 1968). I laughed him off. Charlie kept pestering me, for Barbara, he said, and I kept saying no. Then he said there was a New Year's thing coming up at one of his friend's place. Several people I knew were going and why don't I go along? Fine, I said. Oh, by the way, Ron is going, too. Oh, I see, says I. We'll pick him up right after we pick you up, is that ok? Ok, says I. Would you be his date for the evening, he asks. Will it get you off my back, I answer back. He laughed and said, yes. I said, fine, one date, and then I don't ever want to hear about it again. Charlie agreed.
We met New Year's Eve, 1969 at 10:00 p.m. We were engaged on September 20, 1969, and married March 21, 1970. Charlie kept his word, he never asked me to go out with Ron again.