KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

1950 - Babette, Karolina (see description)

1950 - Babette, Karolina (see description) Oma Meyer had a sister named Babette. Babette married and had two boys. Then came WWII. Her husband enlisted and sometime after the war was declared Missing In Action. The war years were difficult for everyone, but a particular hardship on her. When Nuremburg was bombed, so was Aunt Babette's home. She gathered a bundle and her two boys and came to live on the farm.
After I was born, in 1948, she became my babysitter and for much of the time I was hers. I may have been around two when she and the boys left to go back to Nuremburg. I have no memory of those days with her. Mother always said I saw her as a mother, and she told me that for some years afterward whenever she said Aunt Babette was coming, I'd get excited and shake all over. For what it's worth, I always felt a strong connection and love for Aunt Babette. Before we left for America, mother and I went to visit her for a couple of days. I still remember that apartment, her books, and her. She was nothing but kind to me at all times. I don't think she ever spoke a harsh word to me.


  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Mar-20 07:19:57 Anonymous coward said

    Mom said that when they camall she had was her purse with their marriage certificate and all the birth certificates. She also told me that when they left your home, Oma gave her half of everything she owned.
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Mar-20 07:20:53 Anonymous coward said

    Sigh - make that "when they CAME ALL"
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Mar-20 13:42:51 Balcony Birder said

    I suppose that means she shared clothing?

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