KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

1960's - Konrad Meyer in Mengersdorf with Frieder and Georg in the back. In front are Gerlinde and Waltraud, Frieder's children.


  • Peter on 2015-Apr-06 06:33:31 Peter said

    Some unimportant curious questions: How tall was Frieder was he taller than Georg? Is this the same building and steps of previous pictures? What is this building the home?
  • Balcony Birder on 2015-Apr-06 10:50:38 Balcony Birder said

    My Uncle Frieder, your Oma's brother, was the tallest of the Bärnreuthers, well over 6 feet. Yes this is the same building as in previous picture and, yes, this is the Bärnreuther family home.
  • Deb on 2015-Apr-08 06:47:26 Deb said

    Seems to me I remember mom telling me that he was never really sick ever, and that he was 6'7" or so tall. Uncle Walter told me a few years ago, that in Oma's "prime" she was 6' tall! I guess tall genes run in their family!

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