KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT (Arisaema triphyllum complex/group)

Various sources cite 3 or 4 ssp.
When not flowering, the fastest/easiest way to separate Jack-in-the-Pulpits from Trilliums is the veins in the leaf. If it has a vein running around the edge of the leaf, creating a veinless border, it's a Jack-in-the-Pulpit -- Trilliums don't have that border, their veins go to the edge.
-Very tiny flowers are at the bottom of the spathes. Since we generally look to the outside of the plant and spathe for ID, I'm using the spathes for "flower" color.
-"Jack" is the spadix, the fleshy cylindrical structure that comes up from the bottom of the spathe.
-the "pulpit" is the modified leaf (spathe) that covers the spadix.
-Arum italicum has a white spathe, so that one isn't in here, in "green flowers".
-Jack-in-the-Pulpits have a vein running around the edge of the leaf that makes a border. (Trilliums don't have that veining and also generally have broader leaves.)
-these plants can change sex from year to year depending on the amount of nutrients available the year before.
Some other common names for various Jack-in-the-Pulpits: Wild Turnip, Arum, Three-leaved Arum, Swamp Turnip, Indian Turnip

ID help for other ssp:
1) A. triphyllum - leaves silvery green underneath; wide, slightly rolled flange on spathe; spathe is not ridged, is striped white and green, often purple-brown; spadix thicker near top than the middle
2) A. pusillum (Small Jack-in-the-Pulpit) - a little smaller; leaves green underneath; flange less wide, less rolled; stripes on spathe are subtle; spadix cylindrical or a bit thinner on top. Usually found in wetter areas.
3) A. stewardsonii - leaves are green underneath; side flanges of spathe narrow, not rolled; spadix cylindrical; spathe is so heavily ridged that the hood can't be bent back without breaking it. example of ridging:
see also:

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