8/30/14 -- I confused myself. Maybe the below will help the next time I run into this.
- Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Katydids belong to the Order Orthoptera
- - "Katydids, CAMEL Crickets, and relatives", according to BugGuide, belong to the INFRAORDER Tettigoniidea (..."ea" ending...)
- - - Katydids belong to the FAMILY Tettigoniidae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (..."ae" ending...)
- - - only CAMEL Crickets belong to the Family Rhaphidophoridae
- - other Crickets belong to the Infraorder Gryllidea) - (also "ea" ending and not to be confused with True Crickets that belong to the FAMILY Gryllidae "ae" ending) (mumble, mumble, mutter, mumble)
***Therefore***, Crickets are fine to be in their own Infraorder album (Gryllidea "ea"), CAMEL CRICKETS, however, should be with Katydids (both under "ea") and then CAMEL Crickets and Katydids should each have their own Family sub-albums (ending in "ae"). ***HOWEVER***, since I won't think to look for CAMEL Crickets "ea" in the Katydid album "ae", for now they're in with other Crickets "ea" - which is what confused me to begin with, but maybe now that I have notes . . . (sigh)
(2015-6-26: moved the Camel Cricket out (sigh-sigh)
Some common Meadow Katydids here: