KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Case-bearing Leaf Beetle (Cryptocephalinae) 7-8 x 4mm - 2016-7-25 Newark, DE

It only took a few minutes for it to go exploring. First it went out on the new leaf, then down on the stem to within 3/4" of the water. If it wanted to commit suicide by water would that be called insecticide, or would it only be called insecticide if I did the drowning?

I wanted to finish with the pictures here in the gallery and when finished with that I found it up in the middle of the branch. That time I actually saw it move a little. And, about 15 minutes after that I looked at it again and that's where I got this photograph.

This time I can see legs, and what I think are the head and eyes of the larva.

I would feel so lucky if I got to see the beetle that emerged. With that in mind, I best go find a bag that will cover this vase.


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