KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

4/4/11 - Mystery Plant 2011 begins. UPDATE: 6/4/11 Was supposed to be Joe Pye Weed, pic here next to Debbie: https://w3.dstutz.

4/4/11 - Mystery Plant 2011 begins. UPDATE: 6/4/11 Was supposed to be Joe Pye Weed, pic here next to Debbie: https://w3.dstutz.com/~karen/g1/marl-creek-trail/aad (see comments for guesses) Top left: Seeing a female Brown-headed Cowbird at the seed makes me think that maybe it's not too early to plan for new babies.
Top middle: Nope, not bugs in that bag, those are the seeds.
Top right: Close-up of seeds in case there's a seed-freak out there.
Bottom left: Sprinkle seeds on top of soil.
Bottom middle: Stir, tamp, moisten.
Bottom right: Cover with plastic bag, set out on the porch in full light, forget about it.
UPDATE: 6/4/11 this is the plant it was supposed to be:


  • Balcony Birder on 2011-Apr-29 09:38:55 Balcony Birder said

    Wisconsin is, uhm, clueless.
  • Balcony Birder on 2011-Apr-29 09:54:22 Balcony Birder said

    Illinois is going to wait for more clues.
  • Balcony Birder on 2011-Apr-29 09:55:39 Balcony Birder said

    Virginia has courage and states, "Marigold".
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-Apr-30 10:04:43 Anonymous coward said

    Illinois agrees with Virginia for now, and says, me too, Marigold.
  • Balcony Birder on 2011-May-03 11:17:53 Balcony Birder said

    I uncovered the seed a couple of days ago. I hope it didn't rot.
  • Anonymous coward on 2011-May-18 00:09:00 Anonymous coward said

    One, ONE, tiny little something is up. One only out of all those seeds. It's only an eighth of an inch tall but already has two true leaves. I'm nervous about whether it's the real deal, or whether it's just some weed coming up. I did start another pot with seeds (just in case the mystery plants sogged up and died) and something came up last week. The trouble is that the squirrels think the new soil is there for them to bury their leftovers in, so they keep burying the new sprouts. (sigh)

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