KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

2017-6-20 - juv. Northern Watersnake (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) 12-15" by David, D&M MD - in the driveway


  • Peter Steiner on 2017-Jul-21 07:28:22 Peter Steiner said

    Something about this picture that really stands out for me, maybe being in the natural habitat? Or the "sneakiness" of the snake blending in with its surroundings waiting for it's next victim? Or maybe just the colors of the snake, it's eyeballing the camera and the surroundings again.

    Great shot!
  • Balcony Birder on 2017-Jul-21 12:41:53 Balcony Birder said

    This happens to be a crop I made of his previous picture. You can press "Previous" and see the original. That will underline the neat observation you made, Peter, about it blending in with its surroundings.

    Most smaller snakes don't mind being handled, but the Northern Watersnake, although not poisonous, tends to be aggressive when handled and will often bite. This particular individual is a juvenile and, at the 12 to 15 inches that David estimates, could easily be mistaken for one of the more mild-mannered small species. It's wise to be certain what you're dealing with before handling one of these critters, I suppose.

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