KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Eastern Greenfoot Cottontail (Sylvilagus germanica ssp. viriped) 2010-7-17 FPA, DE

The extremely rare, and once believed to be extinct, green-footed bunny.


  • Balcony Birder on 2016-Aug-08 21:07:47 Balcony Birder said

    ID update: Thought it was S. floridanus but I was mistaken. Of course, it's the much loved S. germanica. Silly me!
  • Karen on 2016-Aug-20 13:26:15 Karen said

    She still watches over me.
  • BalconyBirder on 2016-Aug-20 14:31:23 BalconyBirder said

    Glad you said that. I couldn't remember seeing her and have been wondering for some time about that. String still the same length? Do you make music every so often?

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