KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Bull Thistle/Common Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) 2013-8-7 Newark Oaks, DE

aka Spear Thistle
-each leaf has 3 or more lobes
-stems have hairs and small, leafy, spine-tipped “wings”.
-blossoms are solitary or a few clustered at the ends of branching stems. The bracts are narrow and spreading, tipped with short spines

many good pictures:

"Bull thistle differs from Canada thistle, Cirsium avense (L.) Scop., in that leaves are pubescent on both sides, while those of Canada thistle are not pubescent on top, and may or may not be so on the underside. Flower bracts of bull thistle have spines, in contrast to those of Canada thistle. Leaves are covered with coarse hairs on the upper surface of the leaf blade, and are woolly below. Long spines extend from the leaf blade at the midrib and at each lobe. The leaf bases extend downward on the stem forming long wings."


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