KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Mile-a-minute Weed/Asiatic Tearthumb (Persicaria perfoliata)

9/2/11 D&M MD
p(previously)ka: (Polygonum perfoliatum)

UPDATE 10/15/14: Just found out recently that these blue berries belong with the Tearthumb (Mile-a-minute). This isn't Polygonum arifolium as I originally thought.
-Descriptions for P. perfoliatum that I'd read earlier also described the almost perfect triangle of leaf and I was hard pressed to find those in this picture. But, several sources on the web, that maybe I'll recreate here another time, say that only P. perfoliatum has the bright blue berries. Another mystery solved.

As far as the leaf shape goes, one leaf in the upper right looks like P. perfoliata, but the others don't. Unless I find examples of leaves shaped like mine, I'll still have some reservations about this plant.

-There is at least one leaf in this picture that shows the spines on the underside of the leaf.
-I do believe I see several of the roundish sheaths that indicate Persicaria perfoliata.

The flowers are closed, like in other Smartweeds. (They may be white, or greenish white, as best as I can make out.)


good write-up/description here:

Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross
(Polygonum perfoliatum)
Polygonaceae — Smartweed family
Invasive non-native
"The sheath forms a leaf-like blade around the stem. Fruit is bright blue."
"Persicaria — Tearthumb, Smartweed
14 species in Delaware. These were called Polygonum until recently. These plants all have jointed stems, with a sheaths around the nodes where the leaves join the stem. The characteristics of these sheaths are important to identifying the species."


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