KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Grandparents Konrad (Kuntz) MEYER (1902-1970) and Margarete (Gretel) BÄRNREUTHER (1903-1988)

Grandparents Konrad (Kuntz) MEYER (1902-1970) and Margarete (Gretel) BÄRNREUTHER (1903-1988) Konrad Meyer
Born: Dec. 22, 1902 Creez, Germany
Died: Aug. 18, 1970
Father: Johann Meyer
Mother: Margarete Seyfferth
Married: Margarete Bärnreuther Date: 1932
Born: Aug. 20, 1903
Died: Aug 12 or 13, 1988
Father: Johann Bärnreuther
Mother: Margarete Mörlein
Children: Brigitte (married Siegmund Paul Steiner), died 1998
Walter (married Elizabeth Latendorf)
Karolina Margarete Elisabeth (married Ronald Stutzman)

(edit 8/24/14 - changed name of Creez to the now correct spelling, thanks to Günter)


  • Peter on 2014-Aug-21 07:25:46 Peter said

    New information for me, I thought Konrad Meyer was born in Gashutten? Where is Creetz, Germany? Is that a nickname for the area?
  • Balcony Birder on 2014-Aug-22 09:09:28 Balcony Birder said

    Konrad's father Johann Meyer (see his picture, seated next to Harmonium on main page of Vital Statistics album) was a womanizer (had at least two illegitimate children) and died heavily in debt (debt which your grandfather, Konrad, as the oldest son, took on after him).

    Life with Johann wasn't easy. His wife, your great-grandmother, Margaret SEYFFERTH was pregnant with Konrad (her second child) when she left your great-grandfather and moved back home to Creetz. After some time passed they must have agreed to some type of arrangement as she moved back to Glashütten and they then had another 4 children, 3 of which lived, for a total of 5 surviving children: your Aunt Elizabeth, Konrad (Opa), Johann (Uncle John), Margaret (Aunt Gretel), Aunt Lina (Neuner). I don't know when Margaret Seyfferth moved back, but since Konrad was born Dec. 22, 1902, the earliest would have been 1903.

    Creetz can no longer be found on a map because very small towns are being absorbed into larger municipalities and although this, and other towns like it, still exist, they take on the name of the larger community.
  • Balcony Birder on 2014-Aug-23 13:40:54 Balcony Birder said

    In an eMail received today from Germany I'm told they believe Konrad's mother Margaret Seyfferth was born in Glashütten and that a sister of her's lived in Creetz. If that's the case, then pregnant Margaret went to stay with her sister.

    As to the town of Creetz, it still exists, it's just that Google is being obstinate, perhaps that's due to the country designations, I don't know. Thanks to the map they sent, posted as another picture on this page, I was able to find Creetz by using the search term "Hummeltal" which they told me is the larger community to which Creetz now belongs.
  • Balcony Birder on 2014-Aug-31 12:08:23 Balcony Birder said

    I'd misspelled the town name "Creez", Günter told me, and anyone can now find Creez on the map.

    Günter expressed surprise at the news of Konrad's birthplace. They didn't know that Margaret Seyfferth had left Hans while pregnant and gave birth in Creez. He and Erika are now attempting to verify this for themselves. In an eMail received at 5:30 this morning Erika and Günter write that the town's (Creez) archives are now in Bayreuth. He checked with the owner of the property and didn't learn anything. He writes they know Hans wasn't a "Heiliger" (a saint).
  • Balcony Birder on 2015-Apr-08 08:43:18 Balcony Birder said

    Günter wrote some time towards the end of last year that they (him and cousins in Germany) are over the surprise of Konrad being born in Creez, they've done their research and official records in Bayreuth confirm his town of birth.

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