KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

October 1977 - Dated on the back and says, "After pizza and dessert". Karen doesn't look particularly impressed by th

October 1977 - Dated on the back and says, "After pizza and dessert". Karen doesn't look particularly impressed by the foolishness of the adults around her. I don't remember this occasion. (see description) As I've told everyone who would listen, I have no memory of this place at all. After a bit of back and forth with Peter it turns out Pappy's restaurants were in Delaware and so was the particular one he went to.


  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-15 07:18:34 Anonymous coward said

    Everytime I think of this place, good pizza, the bass playing in the background, over and over again. dnt, dnt, d-dnt dnt dnt dnt dnt, dnt, d-dnt, dnt, dnt, dnt,dnt, dnt, dnt, dnt, dnt, dnt, etc.
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Aug-15 16:08:55 Balcony Birder said

    I can't remember a thing about this place at all. Was this restaurant near you, maybe? If it was in PA and we only went there once, that might explain why I have no memory of this at all.

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