KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Glashütten - A little background . . . Click on the thumbnail and once more on the picture to see the largest size of the maps

As best as could be determined, Glashütten was established in the 700's. There is a *very* long poem about the beginnings of our town and it's history that I have in one of my old notebooks from Germany. Perhaps some day I'll take a stab at translating it into prose.

On the left, the invasion of the Huns (yes, green Attila was here) in the 400's, and the placement of Glashütten (had it existed back then) by the green star. On the right, the location of our town today (green dot).

I know, I know, it looks bad, but believe me, the Huns were the least of our problems. We were also invaded by the Roman Empire - several times. We also fought back several times. It boggles the mind how the Roman Empire could have been fought back, considering that around the 700-800's what we know as Germany today consisted of around 300 different tribes, fiefdoms, etc., that were constantly at war with one another here or there. Oh, the fighting didn't stop then, it continued until modern day.

Nevertheless, somehow, we, the barbarians, survived and in the 700's in one of the many verdant valleys nestled among the hills in Germany, a small hamlet was born. It grew to become a village. Thirteen centuries later Glashütten transformed into a small town and, so far, has been able to resist osmosis by bureaucratic redistricting that has become poplular the latter half of the 20th century.

In 1958 the population of Glashütten was 250 people. In 2010 the population is close to 1,500. So far so good, as many of the old names (of towns) are disappearing as they are being absorbed into larger communities. It may be that Glashütten will continue to grow and continue to be a discrete entity. If, on the other hand at some time in the future Glashütten is absorbed by a larger civic municipality, then at least you'll have a little bit of history to remember what once was. :o)

(p.s. - Be careful, there's more than one Glashütten. You always want the one in Bavaria (near Bayreuth). Also, just a few miles north of Bayreuth is a town called "Bärnreuth". Perhaps one of our Pankraz's ancestors came from there and that's how they came to be known as "Bärnreuther", much like we'd say he/she's a New Yorker. ...jes' sayin'.) :o)


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