KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Discrepancies in Vital Stats (see description)

Discrepancies in Vital Stats (see description) see:

Vital Stats discrepancies (Johann MEYER, Barbara SCHAMEL, Johannes BÄRNREUTHER)
Today is 7/11/2013 and I'm finally getting around to getting this on-line. (sigh)

In February, 2012, Deb found 3 discrepancies between her and my records. There was some back and forth with eMail summaries on 2/12/12.

(1) Johann Meyer's death date is correct as it stands as per the date written by my mother on the back of the picture at:
and Deb changed her notes accordingly.

(2) Barbara Schamel's year of death is 1871 according to Walter Berger's tree.
Deb says hers is 1877.
Deb's info comes from information she transcribed from a paper my mother wrote and which is in Deb's possession but which she can't locate. I suggested the possibility of the German number "one" (as written by my mother) looking like the American number "seven". When Deb finds the paper she'll let me know if I need to change the date.
NOTE: If the date changes, let Walter Berger know for his records.
(If you're curious what the German number "one" looks like in script as compared to the number "seven", the last line at the link below has a good example in the year "1907".)

(3) I have the wedding date for Johannes and Katarina Raps as 10/26/1894.
as from the Berger tree:
Deb says her info is based on her transcription of my mother's handwritten paper. Deb's marriage date for Johannes and Katrina is 10/26/1865.
Deb's date makes more sense. According to the way the date is now, he would have had a child in his 20's, married in his 50's, then died a couple of months after marching down the aisle.
It makes more sense for them to marry in 1865 because they had a son in 1867, see Walter Berger's page at:
NOTE: If the date changes, let Walter Berger know for his records.

When Deb finds the paper she'll let me know about item (2) and (3).


  • Balcony Birder on 2013-Aug-20 11:56:14 Balcony Birder said

    8/20/13 - got an eMail from Deb this a.m. that she's seen above. (Just a note for me to remember, subject line "Re: Vital Stats discrepancies" in appropriate eMail folder.)
  • Balcony Birder on 2013-Aug-22 19:19:01 Balcony Birder said

    8/22/13 - In an eMail received this morning Deb says, "I continue on and off to search for those papers. It's beyond me where I put it. I CANNOT imagine I would have thrown it away, not since it was in Oma's handwriting..."

    Not to worry, Deb - it will turn up some day when you least expect it. :o)

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