KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Margarete Meyer Kamm, Johann Meyer, Elizabeth Meyer. Seated is Mrs. Dix, their sponsor in America.

Dec. 7, 2014 - Thanks to Deb for digging up (info on back of one of her pictures) that the woman was their sponsor. Knowing that bit of information helped Walter remember her name!


  • Deb on 2014-Nov-08 04:50:43 Deb said

    Seems to me that when my mom and I went through some old pictures, a copy of this photo was among them. I'm fairly certain that she told me this was their sponsor when they came to America.
    Does that sound right to anyone else?
  • Balcony Birder on 2014-Nov-08 20:18:10 Balcony Birder said

    I wish I knew, but I haven't a clue about their sponsor/s. For your mother, Brigitte, in 1956, it was Aunt Elizabeth. Two years later, in March of 1958, she sponsored Walter, and two months later, in May of 1958, she did the same for our parents, Konrad and Margaret, and me.
  • Balcony Birder on 2014-Dec-07 18:27:42 Balcony Birder said

    Updated information for this picture

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