KAREN'S GALLERY (est. 2005)

Great-Grandparents: Johann BÄRNREUTHER (1867-1952) and Margarete MÖRLEIN (1872-1934). (see description)

Great-Grandparents: Johann BÄRNREUTHER (1867-1952) and Margarete MÖRLEIN (1872-1934). (see description) This photograph taken in 1904 shows Margarete (Mörlein) BÄRNREUTHER. On her lap is her daughter Margarete who will grow up to marry Konrad Meyer.

Born: Mar. 11, 1867 - Mengersdorf, Germany
Married: Nov. 2, 1902 Margarete Mörlein, (place unknown)
Died: Nov. 7, 1952 - Mengersdorf, Germany
Father: Johannes Bärnreuther
Mother: Katarina Raps
Spouse: Margarete Mörlein
Born: Jan. 8, 1872 Mengersdorf, Germany
Died: Dec. 25 1934 Mengersdorf, Germany

Margarete Bärnreuther (married Konrad Meyer) Born: Aug. 20, 1903, Mengersdorf, Germany Died: Aug 12, 1988 Philadelphia, PA, USA
Babette Bärnreuther (married Johann (Hans) Berger) Born: Sep. 25, 1907 Mengersdorf, Germany Died: May 2, 1983 Nürnberg, Germany
Georg Bärnreuther (married, had children, and lived to a ripe old age in Germany)
Gottfried (Frieder) Bärnreuther (married, had children, and lived to a ripe old age in Germany)
Anna Bärnreuther Germany Died: 1945
There are two sides as to how Margaret Meyer's sister, Anna, died:
--Karolina was told "a secret" multiple times by her mother Margaret, that Anna (Margaret's sister) didn't die of illness or accident, but drowned herself. (As a bit of background, suicide was unmentionable in those days as it would have brought huge shame to the family (that shame originating with Christian Biblical beliefs against suicide.)
--Several others say she married a Koppe, had three daughters, and died of Pneumonia in 1945. (See comments)


  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-19 17:03:13 Anonymous coward said

    walter b
    As far as I know, Tante Anna (sister of Gretel, Babette, Georg and Frieder) died of Pneumonia late in 1945. I remember my mother took a train to be at her funeral. Tante Anna was married to a gentleman by name of Koppe. They had three daughters.
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-19 19:16:23 Anonymous coward said

    Thanks for that. If you know for a fact they were married and had three daughters, then I must have misunderstood something somewhere - - - several times. I'll take your word for it. I have a question for you and Walter M, were there perhaps two Annas? I know the one our mother spoke about she always referred to as Anni, not Anna. Does that ring a bell with either of you? Besides her sister, Anna, was there another one, an Anni? She told me the drowning/suicide several times so there must be another one around. Anybody?
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-20 14:41:58 Anonymous coward said

    Walter B
    My mother always mentioned Tante Anni, that is the one who was marrie to Otto Koppe. They had three daughters. The oldest was Brigitte who lives in Hamburg( she is a nurse). The next one lives in Wuerzburg but I can't remember her name. The last one I don't know anything about. In all the years I talked with my mother about family she never mentioned a Tante Anna who committed suicide. Maybe Klaus would know or someone in Mistelgau or Mengersdorf. take care Wally
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Aug-21 17:20:00 Balcony Birder said

    Thanks, Wally. As good as an idea as you had about going to Germany to find answers, I won't be doing that. I was simply curious if there was an Anni in Gretel Meyer's life, in addition to her sister Anna, that might be the one that drowned herself. I know mother repeatedly told me of an Anni that did that. It's good enough for my purposes here, that you say it wasn't Anna, her sister.

    Thanks for taking the time to give feedback. I appreciate it. Although my children don't appear to have much interest in the background of the Meyers' at this time, that might change in the future. I know for a fact that Brigitte's three are very interested in old information and are grateful everytime someone such as yourself takes the time to help out. You take care of yourself, too, Du alter Schlingel, Du. :o)
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-22 06:06:08 Anonymous coward said

    I knew that Anni/Anna died from illness...never heard about the other Anna... I did not know that she was married nor, did I know she had cousing, nor that one was named Brigitte! Two cousins named Brigitte. Were they named after someone?
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Aug-22 11:42:56 Balcony Birder said

    We DON'T know that there was another Anna/Anni. That's just a supposition. As to the "Brigitte" naming, I'm afraid whatever information we have so far is all the collective hive brain can come up with.
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-23 05:50:20 Anonymous coward said

    Yes, thanks for the information.
  • Anonymous coward on 2010-Aug-23 11:10:21 Anonymous coward said

    Quite enjoyed the pix and the info. And thanks Wally for helping out.

    I would also be most interested in any further background on Konrad and his parents, when time and memories permit. I know only the very basics of his life as well.
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Aug-24 12:36:32 Balcony Birder said

    Something I didn't notice until today. On the back of the picture it also says "1 Jahr".
  • Balcony Birder on 2010-Oct-13 12:01:18 Balcony Birder said

    I'm thinking it should be obvious that "1 Jahr" means "1 Year", but in case somebody missed it, it just occurred to me today to add the translation. If I ever start talking German somewhere and don't translate, please let me know. :oD)))

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